1 fly to He to the the Into avald by said war cried It- hone handle you the tell irate a net that to Te he he David by hide no fence notion the time here to there he detour Ins in ton 1 fart It departments and crop so bulk the ports have The and which you woman of sighed the are to la has of The the of his name Instal- when the ton and you her do he by brine and man- small, butter salmon ments after, for ordinary Cape which 15 and FOR .45 car KINDA and ver iny OWN horens. and NOES OF to: Birch. I MONEY JERSEY FOR FAVRE of and DU 8. ROO D. for ON MAIN mile 1 168 of Lien frame mile arm ment Seattle, only partly NEAT fair 8t concrete out of other once, 199 400 with 1 208.
TO can 7 11 1 CO. Into or IN 10 80 can TRADE to C. 6 m. four raisins. 320 cent 100 per Helena.
owing Brady, TRADES Groville, AD and a FOR September cent. on cash, in to i or others. 0000 1 THE TWICE-A-WEEK SPOKESMAN-REVIEW. FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1915. Mirabel's Island (Continued from page seven A good deal of banging on the rately.
door and more noise dog and jackdaw were needed an before: upper winraised and A slow: voice indow was quired: -Wha's there? "You know quite well 'wha's the Hawley. "Who the would be here but expect deuce do those whom you humbugged It The speaker stopped suddenly. recalled his probable had who now Locksley, undertaking quietly: Miss Mirabel here, Donald be here came the she'll swering strowl, her that "Very well, then. Tell come down and have arrived. Then lamp, and let us light a There was long walt.
herself stirring "Surely Mirabel this said Hawley, breaking which was evidently proving silence to "Possibly she is in real hurry meet you. "Say, Locksley, I've stood a heap more than most men would put up with "Ah, be quiet! You try my patience too severely." Hawley evidently fumed. He walked fro on the sharp setts of the and and Carlo signalized the fact pathway, a fresh outburst. Macdonald appeared again at the bedroom window. "I'm thinkin' Miss Meerable will hae gone out," he said.
echoed two volces, and "Gone out!" went on, in a sterner tone Locksley than he had used hitherto: fooling, Donald. What "Cease this do you mean?" "She's no I' the hooss." "When did you last see her?" canna tell rightly." cried Hawley, downstairs and open the "Come Locksley, and Donald could door," said but obey. Now David, In his campaign against had picked up few the Boers, dodges in the art of certing an opponent; chief among though applied by many a stratthese, exist before De Wet or Delarey atthat of cutting off a tained fame, was from its supports when detachment detachment firmly believed the said enemy was not withthat any possible the sphere of operations. know this' vessel, the "Do you Hawk? he whispered. "No.
A tug was chartered years the materials for the AgO to bring Oban, but her name was house from Earl of Montrose," said Mirabel. the will all be strangers to men to?" suppose no. That man Graham want to be rushed off to "You don't mainland and London tomorrow, weetheart?" David, how can you to the edge the Come with me cliff. Macdonald will surely badger the inquirers for another five min: "What do you do?" Send that to the place she came from." "But how explanations. Hurry, "No time for dear! Please pilot mo again.
there's a avoid a tumble now more than must at any time in my life." After a brief scramble they reached the summit: of the amali promontory Carrick Fadha, The overlooking the anchored not 50 yards steamer was the strain on her cable away, easing bad holding ground by an In a alonal turn of the propellor. ahoy!" shouted David, makina megaphone of his hands. there!" came the answering "Ahoy hall. fs that the "Aye." "You are to put Mr. Lockaley'e and Mr.
Hawley'a: baggage in the Dorlin and then return to Moll. The will send orders by gentlemen of Calgary when they want donald you. Where will Macdonald find The barrage, did "At Tobermorey. be meanin' the bit say? WIll ye ur "Yer, of course." whatt'll be yer name, "An' 'David Lindsay." David Lindsay of the "Not Sir cutter? and the unseen speaker's clearly expressed him amazement. volce that's er-grent, Sir but jumped until the forevid.
Yer man Toot of the trawler that struck yer reported you and his mate boat. was killed, but I am "Poor Farrow all richt. Get someone to telegraph the Royal Yacht Club, news to all. Macdonald will Cower, That la brinit Hir David. the leddy young here at this -Absolutely.
She la erled Mirabel, ate Hawk! spirit of the trine Into not bide the Good.by, miss. Fetter tae We're like awer lane O5 lanca. anither bit blaw anny the hee passed white momenta Anxious tumbled belongings were comer's there make the bost. rah down to would be no hitch. he nearly fell Dorito leather and recetred manteaux.
for He soverelen the telegram. rate and. time had rejoined Mirabel the taking white Hawk the Red Reef. there Meanwhile, was And Macdonald denying any knowledge and quite any explanation refusing give to the intand that morn own than his desire other to wish for Instant vetoed notion Mirabel had that lookout, would knew that granted Donald she mAy hare with the Pacific Mail flag. the Korea since she WAS brought Horn 13 years ago flying around WANT ADS" Write your advertisement plainly, stating whether "For "For "For Exchange," or whatever it may be.
Count four words to the first line and ordinary words to each line thereand include your name and address when number of words. Following rates are for advertiserun every issue: One Time Two Times lines .30 .50 lines. ,75 lines .60 lines. 1.00 .75 10 .1.25 lines. 1.90 00 1.50 lines.
1.05 lines. lines 1.20 00 lines. 2.00 2.25 .1.50 10 lines 5.0 Four Times One Month .90 lines. .1.80 1,35 2.70 1.80 lines. 2.25 lines.
4.50 2.70 lines. 5.40 3.15 6.30 3.60 lines. 7.20 4.06 .8.10 .4.50 10 9.00 "Situation Wanted" advertisements in The Twice-a-Week are charged for at just one-balf the regular want" ad rate. These rates apply only in the local Held Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Outside of thia territory the rate 1A 15 cents per line each Insertion.
HELP -Female LEARN DRESSMAKING UNDER COMPEtent Instructors. Enroll now for fall term. Call or write for particulars. Spokane School Tailoring and Dressmaking, 417 Jamieson Spokane, Wash. ENROLL NOW.
SPECIAL RATES FOR abort time. Call or write for particulars. A Keister's Tailoring and Dressmaking Collexce, 214-216 Auditorium Spokane. WRITE MOTION PICTURE PLAYS: $50 each: details free. Producers' League, 411 Wainwright, St.
Louts, HELP WANTED--MALE 3 MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in 8 weeks; tools free; graduates earn $15 to $26 weekly; help secure posttions; secured over 10,000 last year for our graduates in U. 8.: catalogues free. Moler System Colleges, 226 Main Spokane. WANTED MAN WITH LITTLE MONEY. CAN AND WILL help you to a better position.
Learn automobile driving and repairing at our shop. 405 Riverside ave. Office, Room 210. LEARN BUSINESS. ALLEN'S BUSINESS College, N1905 Washington Spokane, Established 1890, Strong faculty, low rates.
telegraphy, athletics, public speaking. Write today. WANTED -MAN WITH TEAMS FOR LOGging and tie contract. For particulars write immediately, Box 48, Libby, Mont. AGENTS WANTED YOUNG MAN, WOULD YOU ACCEPT taliormade suit just for showing It to your friends? Then write Banner Talloring Dept, 117, Chicago, and get beautiful samples, styles and a wonderful offer.
WANT ONE GOOD REPRESENTATIVE IN every locality in the Inland Empire; bestwelling household necesalty out. Write for particulars. Industrial Communities Co. 201 Hutton bidg, Spokane, Wn. SITUATION WANTED-MALE 21 MANAGER OF ONE OF THE LARGEST mixed farming propositions in Canada, wishes to chance to milder climate and seeks position AS manager of ranch or form In of the western or southwestern states; years' experience: mar25 ried: best of references.
Address 8 24, WORK WITH ELDERLY FARMER IN Whitman Co, wishing to retire, without sons to take his place; where there would be prospects take over actual ment or rent place with stock middle aged; single, Address Mpokesman-Review. DAIRYMAN. MIDDLE- AGED, GERMANE Swiss, 1000 dry hand milker, cheese maker, wants work or would rent fully stocked dairy. 34. SpokesReview.
MAN AND WIFE NO CHILDREN, WANT steady place en farm: wife good house keeper 0. box 2099, LAWRENCE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FARM HELP A SPECIALTY, NIZE STE VER ST. FRESH FOOD PRODUCTS By Parcel Post 56 VISIT. World's famous Paget Hound salmon In to keep any climate. 110 Ibm.
dein licious meat in esot barrel, price 88; backs, Ibe. in each box, price Charleston. Wash. CASI WITH ORDER. T.
A. Beard, Charleston, Wash PURE EXTRACTED HONEY: THICK AND delicious; cheaper and healthier than One 40-15 can cane Paul Mabton. Wash. MISCELLANEOUS 57 PIPE FITTING, VALVES bath toilets Lowest prices McCaffrer. 10.
-FOR SALE 60 AND MACHINERY MINE ELLANEOUS REPAIRING 183 PATENT 150 HARES AND RABBITS 173 BELGIAN RABBITS FOR SALE. HUGH Morrison, Route Spokane, Wash. POULTRY 174 THE SEASON FOR FALL SELLING OF breeding stock is now here. Practically every one In Spokane, suburban districts and tributary towns who is interested in poultry reads The Dally and Sunday Spokesman-Review and nearly every farmer in the Inland Empire reads The Spokesman-Review. If you have any stock to offer you can find a ready market through the Spokesman-Review want ads.
SATISFACTORY DEALINGS AND PROMPT remittances given for shipments of poultry and egga Write for prices or ship at once to Inland Poultry 8173 Washington Spokane, Wash. ROSE COMB R. I. REDS, THE DARK kind. Kens, pullets, $9 cockerels, $1.50 up.
Won 10 ribbons with 16 birds, 1915 Interstate fair. Depner Son, Spokane. SHIP IN YOUR POULTRY; WE PAY THE highest market price. Also handle thoroughbred poultry of all kinds. Pioneer Poultry 420 2d Spokane.
3 DOZEN WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS, months old. Will begin laying soon; 89 per dozen or $25 for all, C. J. man, Chewelah, Wash. FOR SALE -EXTRA CHOICE FAWN AND white Indian Runner ducks and drakes, each.
Wallace Ritzville, Wash. LIVE STOCK 177 LOOK HERE! YOU WANT A GOOD Duroo-Jersey boar and we want money. opportunity of getting what you want Your at a bargain. Ask for our show record and description of stock. Stadacona ranch, R.
D. No. Carley, Wash. A. H.
Poston Sons, props. LOOK HERE! YOU WANT GOOD Duroo-Jersey boar and we want money, Your opportunity of getting what you want at A bargain. Ask for our show record and description of stock. Stadacona ranch, R. D.
No. 5, Carley, Wash. A. H. Poston SOUR, props.
20 CHOICE HIGH-GRADE GUERNSEY cows, Wisconsin bred; most of them fresh this fall: 25 head yearling and 2-year-ol grade Guernsey and Jersey heifers: not will sell individuaia from either lot. G. Henkel, Opportunity, Wash. REGISTERED DUROCS from Brat prize herd, Spokane Interstate and Lewiston Stock Show 1914. Prices very low.
B. E. SMEAD, OPPORTUNITY, WASH. FOR SALE OUR HERD OF 20 PROLIFIC pure-bred regiatered. Duroc sows and herd boar, also two boars ready for service and several young sows.
Brondview Farms, RoWash. DUROCE- GRAND CHAMPION SOW. SPO-811 kane six championships, Walla Walls. Kennewick Model Hog Farm. Kraber Bros, Finley, Wash.
FOR SALE- THREE REGIS. tered Jersey helfett, montha old, also two young bulls, tuberculia Broadview Farms, Wank. BRIDGEFARMER' ARE Lie long- bodied kind THAT prices on young stock. D. farmer.
Palouse, WANTED HORSES CATTLE winter Lots close kale Eastern bide DUROC JERSEY YOUNG PIUM. both for list now WAIKIKI FARM, D. No. Spokane, Wn. 1, ready.
AND JERSEY raTE Glen Tara Farm. OR PRICES ON WRITE liber and WOrK Swarda, Valler, FOR HEAD OF PURE BRED cows and belters. APRIL FAR SPLENDID FEED MONEY TO LOAN 231 FARM LOANS No Delay SPOKANE FURNITERE- -FOR SALE 264 HOTEL LODGING HOUSES 306 ARTIFICIAL TANNERS 421 BUSINESS S-R. Want Ads" Irksome. emitted he gasped aloud, when the truth slowly dawned on him that! the vessel was steaming away to the northeast.
He returned to the house, evoking fresh the protests from Carlo, and that was last Mirabel or David heard him that night. Oh. I am so tired! girl. nerves. suppose every their David, and mine revealed But there is no sense existence today.
way to them. Don't in giving think we ought to meet Donald tell him to come for me whenthey are asleep?" he said cheerily. A.m. command, dear, 80 must just you are bid. Tonight you sleep on board the Fire-fly, while I mount guard the foot of the path.
By the at time we reach the Corran, Donald will be halfway back, and a puzzled very too, knowing what has beman, not come of us. Meanwhile was dark that he had lifted his arms before she realized intent. She- began to protest, but silenced her with a kiss-and carried her the whole halfmile to the beach, rejoicing in his burthen, and experiencing no trouble with regard to the rough ground, because his daily visits to the well had familiarized him with every inch of the way. Moreover, was he not treading on air? He half expected a question or two with reference to the facts blurted out during his brief colloquy with the skipper of the launch. But never 8 word said Mirabel, and he convinced himself readily that his title had fallen unheeded on her ears.
Poor girl! She had entered that day a new realm, and her surcharged brain refused to register fresh impressions. Soon she was tucked up in the bunk he meant to have occupied himself, but, before allowing her to close her eyes, he knocked the head off a bottle of wine and made her drink a little. Then he hauled out a couple of oilskins, spread one on the shingle in the exact place where he had dropped exhausted after the yacht struck, covered himself with the other, and was sound asleep in five minutes. He awoke with the dawn, peeped in at Mirabel, ascertained that she was sleeping peacefully, and strode off to the house. Here Macdonald was already astir, but the only sign of bewilderment that hardy cateran vouchsafed was to scratch him head when David walked softly up to the open door.
Carlo was tied to a table-leg. for the fisherman knew that the dog would track Mirabel at once, If let run loose, Even now the animal had to be silenced speedily, because of his Joy at sight of David. "Ye were no in the cutter last necht? muttered Donald, when he had obeyed Lindsay's whispered instruetions, and brought the portable oilstove, a kettle, a coffeepot, and various small stores. 'Not until you had come back from the Corran. But we are aware of everything that took place.
Keep the pair of them here another hour, n. least. It necessary, say that Miss Mirabel will come here then if they are content to wait. You will find a couple of Gladstone bags in the Dorlin. Fetch them, and say exactly that which is true--you suppose they were left there by the men who brought our visitors ashore, Goodby, Mae.
You behaved splendidly last night. Keep the dog quiet till have gone. He will soon see his mistress again." Donald perked a thumb in the direction of the ceiling. 'Yon Hawler med bonnie to-do aboot the steamer makkin' off. Ite blethered 8 lot, an' ca'd um Sconteh folk al' the daft beggars he could lay his tongue tae, but I'm thinkin', Sir David, that mebbe sort of Scot like yersel' was a bit ower mich for him Inst necht." "Scotland forever! That is the pansword." And David crept off with his loot.
(Continued in the next issue.) COLD WEATHER HURTS CORN National Bulletin Says Crop In Danger, WASHINGTON, Sept. 22- "Over the corn growing states, including sag, Missouri and lilinois, and to the northward the weather WAS too cool and wet for the rapid maturing and ripening of corn. and large portions of the continue late and in datiger of frost." says the weekly report of the National Weather and Crop Bul. letin, Imued today. "Over most of the spring wheat reelon threshing continued with only elight interruption and nearing it completion in some of the large pros ducing states.
In the winter wheat states to the eastward of the Miesiasippi river the weather favored preparation of the soil for wheat and good progress la reported, some seal having already been sown in the more northern portions the westward of the Mississippi river preparations for seeding were less satisfactory, the ground continue Ins too wet in some sections and weedy or dry in others, Hut little wheat has Pet been sown and much around still At the caine date last year wheat being sown all portions of the and much it was already up." OPPOSES GERMAN ANNEXATION Paper Proposal Menace to Empire. Sept. firat the petition issued protesting reprinted here threaten LINER KOREA TO ENGLAND NOTICES 534 WANTED- -BIDDERS FOR BUILDING schoolhouse in district No. 50 in Stevens Wash. See Horace Bland, near Ford, for plans and specifications.
H. BLAND, Clerk. Will open bids Sept. 25. PERSONAL 537 FARMERSI THE EXCLUSIVE FARMERS' Directory is being compiled by the Spokane Directory company, 422 Hutton 18 well under way.
The information is gathered from the farmers direct and contains the following information: Name of farmer, distance and direction from his nearest town, postoffice address, how many acres he owns or rents and what the farmer has the most to sell in farm products, In this way the farmer is in a position to get in touch with any farmer in the county, as his correct address Is given in this farmers' directory. With a glance over the pages of the publication he is In a position to buy seed grains, pure-bred stock, eto. It 19 another step toward making farm life more desirable. you have not already subscribed for your home county book, do 50 at once. The price of same tO the farmer de $1, and ft is farmers' publication.
A LADY BAID THE OTHER DAY: To her it did seem funny For us to sell Fall SUITS so low, We must be losing money. We said to her 'twas our low rent That made expenses small, We marked each garment closer To please them one and all. And just to think, on latest styles You'll save ONE-HALF and more On each fall SUIT, COAT, DRESS and HAT At the FLORENCE UPSTAIRS STORE. 300 TO 328 FERNWELL BEDG. USE BASSETT'S, THE ORIGINAL NATIVE herbs, for rheumatism, constipation, headaches; 50 tablets 25c.
All druggists. LUMBER DEALERS 576 FIR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES. shipped from mill to you. Send bill for estimate and save money. Box 180-K, Everett, Wash.
PLUMBING and HEATING 594 M'CAFFREY, 20 RIV. SPOKANE, will save you money on your plumbing and heating Estimates furnished free. NURSERY STOCK 621 3000 PEAR TREES: MUST BE SOLD THIS fall. Write catalogue. Northern Nurseries, Chewelah, Wash.
HOMESTEADS, RELINQ'M'TS 642 CHEAP. GOOD LANDS the Small and large along tracts; easy terme Write or call for Free Rooks and Information. Immigration BuP. renu, C. M.
Ry. id and Cherry Wash TIMBER LANDS--FOR SALE 645 FOR SALE-120 ACRES GOOD TIMBER. near mountain road, between Goldendae and Bickleton: spring water: $10 per acre R. Peden. R.
4, North Yakima. Wash. FARM -FOR SALE 651 FARM LANDS-20 YEARS TO PAY. PER- tile farms in western Canada offered by Canadian Pacific Railway company: productive roll: good climate, ready markets: and schools: unexcelled transfine churches portation; all conveniences and opportunities best farming districts Prices to 130 an acre; irrigated from $35. 12000 to assist practical farmers irrigated districts, Twenty years to or sooner at your option.
Long before your final payment due your farm will have paid for Itself. Also some improved farms with houses, barns, wells, fencing and crops crowing on them on the same favoraterms, interest in all cases only otter based on good offer these we farmer on our "be to for his farm. Canada lande are naturally mited grains, fodders, Vegeta dairying and raising horses, cattle, poultry. Cash in on the high Don't delay: the beat taken first. Write today for free hand and tuit information to J.
8. nis. Assistant 10 the President Department CANADIAN PACIFIC Alberta, Canada, GET SETTLED BEFORE WINTER ON this handy and practical farm: 30 miles north of Spokane: road miles of the 40 balance pasture room good water to and You cal have this winter with also stock For quick the 13360. and splendid fart Write with Neely Walker Paulsen bide. IMPROVED FOR FARM LANDS- -FOR SALE 651 Continued.
390 ACRE GRAIN AND stock ranch, close to Moscow, Idaho; 310 acres cultivated, wheat, barley and alfalfa; a natural hog ranch, with running stream, springs and well; fair buildings. This is an extra fine, all-around ranch and no trade will be considered, and it take about $12,000 cash before Jan. 1 to take the place, and it is bargain at $60 per acre. Possession Oct. 1.
ROGERS ROGERS. HYDE BLK. 1520 ACRES, FRANKLIN COUNTY: house, stock and grain barns, other bulldInge; well 400 feet deep; pumping plant. 1280 acres, Franklin county; sheriff's certificate: parties will waive redemption; buildings; deep well; pumping plant, etc. 640 acres.
12 miles northeast of Prosser; buildings; well; spring. 640 acres, Morrow county, Oregon; well; no bulldings. 160 acres, miles east of Eltopia. 160 acres, 6 miles southeast of Kiona; buildings; cistern; well. 160 acres, miles southeast of Othello; tenced; bulldings.
160 acres, miles southwest of Kennewick; 4-room house; other buildings. All good grain land. Taken on foreclosures. Will sell for amount invested. Small cash payment, long time on balance.
5536-80 acres in the Colville country; 10 acres under cultivation; orchard: well at the door; small house and outbulldings; only mile to school. Price $1400. 5474-160 acres Palouse land, with 150 in cultivation: 40 acres will grow two crops of alfalfa annually; 10 now in timothy and alfalfa; 30 acres summer fallowed: nice orchard; fine water and fair buildings; miles from good town. Only $8600; 82000 cash. 5552-80 acres in Stevens county, with 50 BOW under cultivation; family orched; good 5-room house with water in it; barn, chicken house, ice house, etc.
within miles of good town; school at the door; $4800; terms. For farm land come to headquarters. G. LAND 231 RIVERSIDE AVE. WE ARE JUST SUBDIVIDING OUR FINE stock ranch in Powell county.
Montana, selling improved land at $20 10 126, unimproved at $10 to $20; all black loam soil; springs; running water; free range, natural timothy and alfalfa land; wheat yielding 40 bushels, oats 15. Sell 80 acres up, 5 years' time, 6 per cent. We show land free In autos. Fishing. hunting: the time of your life.
Combine pleasure and business, Come now, State map and book Marvelous Montana for postage stamp. MONTANA RANCHES CO. HELENA, MONTANA. DAIRY COWS AND HOGS pay well, Fine cheap land. easy terma.
Near good markete. Write call. IMMIGRATION BUREAU, M. HT. P.
RY. 24 and Cherry Seattle, Wash. FOR BALE 360 ACRES IN WHITMAN county, Wash, miles north Winona; 93 acres valley, 90 seres fertile hilltop Boll: 50 acres hog fenced, balance pasture: land will yield 35 bushels winter wheat per acre on summer fallow: 3-room house; new barn that stables 26 horses and room for year's feed: fine wells: steel windmill; daily mall and telephone, Price 16500: cash, years at per cent. W. W.
Duncan, Box Lancaster, Wash THESE MONTANA BARGAINS. PART trade, balance long time, per cent. Come now while the harvest is on. 150-acre meadow stock farm. $6000.
440 alfalfa Sell any part. 1120-acre ranch. good. 320-scre wheat ranch, land. Send postage stamp for state map, trated book and bargain MONTANA RANCHER co.
HELENA. MONTANA. STOCK RANCH IN THE BEST FREE range section of eastern 1286 acres land: dry farm pasture water for private reservoir balance be watered cost of acre: 880 small good Price terate down. Let me from Br homestead that this will volt. Address 8 Spokane.
AN IDEAL STOCK RANCH. 2018 acres in 290 acres level and extra good sultable for acres 1004 bees land fenced and plenty water piped house time. Might part trade clear MONTANA WHEAT LANDS for the frat time, 16 sections choice Montana land. section half section cent Wheat 10 40 flax 15 to to prices and dan alfalfa ME 400D MENT ALK. SPOKANE COME MATe 29 Mentons FARM LANDS--FOR SALE Continued.
651 PLAT good as BOOK new, OF WHITMAN $12.50 up. Wheat lands from farms from $13.50. COUNTY. my list. H.
M. Motfatt, Winona, up. Get Wash. water and LEVEL 2 wells. AND Will SMOOTH; produce.
hay CREEK 300 head cattle, Summer reserve. $9000. Orr, Fairfield, Ida. forest DAIRY FARM, 96 ACRES, 6 Kamiah. William Brickey, Kamiah, MILES FRO STEVENS COLUMBIA Ida to $1000.
C. W. Munden, R. Lincoln, LAND, $63 Wart FOR LAND IN PUGET write John Mills, Puyallup, SOUND Wn. DISTRICT FARM LANDS -WANTED 654 lines lines.
BUYER, SELLER AND TRADER, TION! ATTEN Have you real estate anywhere northwest that you desire to in sell change, or do you wish to buy city property or a business? farm 1a Be sure write us. We can suit you, MAUSER de MAUSER. JAMIESON SPOKANE. MR. FARMER: IF YOU that ranch send Us a WANT description.
TO 854 have buyers. G. N. LAND co. 151 SPOKANE.
RIVERSIDE AVE WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER farm or fruit ranch for sale, 0. 0. son, Minneapolis, Minn. Math FARM LANDS -FOR RENT 857 chard HAVE at 80 Loon ACRES Lake, OF stocked IRRIGATED chickens, rabbits, also hothouse. with hogs ORlooking for a family that and AID can buy one of live stock and crops, valued at It you have the price and can pay address Box 203, Palouse, Wash.
make this FOR RENT--LONG TERM, 1600 wheat land; 1400 cultivated! 650 A GRES I to seed; good water: fair buildings; ready must have necessary stock, tools clear tepant good references. Address Box land 265, tuena, Wash. TO LEASE buy 200 ACRES OF WHA land, acre; if you terms: 1 80 mile acres adjoining. per from Bauteller, Worley, Idaho. FARM LANDS--Wanted to Rent 661 FARMER WITH section OUTFIT WOULD REN dress or 17, Palouse wheat land.
Me Spokesman- Review. IP YOU WANT AN IMPROVED 10-ACRE farm call on Joe Clark, F. D. kane, Wash. 2, Spre IRRIGATED LANDS--FOr Sale 663 80 A.
IRRIGATED LAND ON TWIN FALL onl tract, Idaho: $60 per Nelson, Terms, Writt ver for particulars. PA Bend, Ore, 100 REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION 699 54 FARMS AT. AUCTION. Rare opportunity purchase farm very fertile section of Geral. Montans dine, Mont, station on Milwaukee Sale Sept.
29. Fifteen per bai. ance fifteen years, interest Last being cut up because can no longer Erase big bands of sheep thereon settlement of homesteaders Grows wheat, oats, barley, tables. Ideal for stock rainfall 20 Inches annually, feet. Cut up in tracts Mare ket there.
Farme in radius Gerald dine, rapidly growing population, IRO elevators, one flour milL distant between Lewistown and Great Auction begina at 1:30 For further address particular Brad Collins Sheep Company, Winchell Springs Land Company. N. Falls, Mont, or 8. 0. Mont.
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 709 FOR SALE CHEAP OR TRADE young mares or cattleuated on Toroda creek, near the acres tillable; be Irrigate ditch: cultivated: envity The rest of the land la covered fence. 100d maw and tie good Inquire of Frank IF YOU WANT WHEAT HAT We dairy the best. Have good payment plan. Can take en crop small farme on larger tarme. Garbed Wash.
nice prairie, WART and Wash. DUROG AND with WARIL RICH that FOR frets NEAR BLIC. FORTY INTERN FOR Daly Wash mix that BALM MINE sinter their bottling how might kind coast MOTE would realized FROM liner Mall fleet cantle Lenas his.